DataXcel Ltd Privacy Policy – Updated April 2022

April 2022
Data Protection Officer at Dataxcel Ltd
This policy is displayed in conjunction with our company Data Protection Handbook and privacy policy which can be provided upon request:
Data Protection Compliance and the protection of the data subject’s privacy rights are at the core of Dataxcel Ltd data usage ethos.
We collect data online from our managed consumer facing websites, in Ireland and the UK.
DataXcel Ltd registered office is at ,29 Lower Patrick Street, Kilkenny, Ireland and we are registered as a Data Controller and Data Processor with the office of the Data Protection Commissioner in Ireland and the Information Commissioner’s office in the UK.
Our Data Protection (reference number)
Ireland – 11223/A
UK – ZA060682
All data collected is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Regulation 13 of the ePrivacy Regulations (SI 336/2011), Ofcom and Trading Standards and our consent process both ongoing and legacy data and all other data touch points have been updated in line with GDPR requirements.
DataXcel use consent as the legal basis for processing data from our online data collection websites and we use legitimate interest to process data from our Irish Landline telephone database. Our consent process is underpinned by the GDPR and the e privacy regulations of 2011 and our compliance process in addition to guidance from regulators and external datacomplaince consultants is further underpinned by a legal position across all our data touch points from senior counsel specialising in the active and current legislation around GDPR and eprivacy. Our consent statements and consent process have received guidance from external Data Protection Consultants, The ICO and previously from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner in Ireland.
Our core consent statement at all data collection touch points focus on the following statement where the tick boxes are optional allowing a data subject the choice to Freely Give consent with out any pre – condition to join the database but with equal opportunity to engage and join our websites.
“We offer FREE TO Enter Competitions and we have winners every week which we publish on the winner’s section of this site, by email and on our Facebook and twitter pages. Our FREE competitions are supported by our Competition sponsors.
By ticking the box, you:
Agree to receive winner updates, new competition updates and offers from Winnersville and relevant offers BY Email from these competition sponsors who are within the following categories Retail, Finance, Utilities, Telco’s, Charities, Travel, Insurance, Automotive, Gambling or Lifestyle.
Agree to receive offers by telephone directly from our selected competition sponsor partners who help us to provide Free to enter competitions and they will send exclusive offers that are relevant to you based on the data you provide us. You can view our competition sponsors Here and are within the following categories – Retail, Finance, Utilities, Telco’s, Travel, Insurance, Automotive, Gambling or Lifestyle.Tick the boxes as appropriate below for other marketing contact preferences.
Receive Competition Sponsor offers by Post
You can withdraw in one click from these marketing communications and you can update your marketing contact preferences once you register as a member by going to the my preference page. By clicking Continue you agree to the Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that you have read the Freeprizedraws Privacy Policy. Our brand partners who run surveys on our sites, may wish to contact you by telephone, email, post and SMS subject to your opt-in and consent on their survey.”
The words terms and conditions, privacy policy and Competitions Sponsors are all dynamic links explaining in a full and transparent format the use and sharing of the data subject’s data in order to meet the data subject contact expectations.
The dynamic link to competition sponsors lists by vertical sector the brand names we will share the data with in the future, providing the data subject the choice to opt in or not.
Our consent process has been constructed with zero risk GDPR compliance in mind and is underpinned with the following context.
Article 4(11) of the GDPR stipulates that consent of the data subject means any:
– freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes
Freely Given – Note the tick boxes in our consent process are optional and NOT mandatory.
The element “free” implies real choice and control for data subjects. As a general rule, the GDPR prescribes that if the data subject has no real choice, feels compelled to consent or will endure negative consequences if they do not consent, then consent will not be valid.
Unbundled Consent:
If consent is bundled up as a non-negotiable part of terms and conditions it is presumed not to have been freely given.
Note: We have provided the data subject with data processing choices/preferred marketing contact and have separated terms and conditions for the consent process. Article 7 (4) GDPR indicates that, inter alia, the situation of “bundling” consent with acceptance of terms or conditions, or “tying” the provision of a contract or a service to a request for consent to process personal data that are not necessary for the performance of that contract or service, is considered highly undesirable.
Note: We have unbundled our consent process, made ticking the consent box optional so a data subject can still register without any preconditions to join our sites and have separated our terms and conditions to consent.
Withdraw Consent in one click:
Note: We communicate this both in the consent process, the welcome email which a data subject will receive within seconds of registering on our sites and in our regular communications with the data subject where we provide a process to withdraw consent or to update there preferred marketing contact channels (Article 29 committee state: Accordingly, consent will not be considered to be free if the data subject is unable to refuse or withdraw his or her consent without detriment.)
Article 6(1a) confirms that the consent of the data subject must be given in relation to “one or more specific” purposes and that a data subject has a choice in relation to each of them. The requirement that consent must be ‘specific’ aims to ensure a degree of user control and transparency for the data subject. This requirement has not been changed by the GDPR and remains closely linked to the requirement of ‘informed’ consent. At the same time, it must be interpreted in line with the requirement for ‘granularity’ to obtain ‘free’ consent.
Note : DataXcel provide the data subject with a consent choice for each level of data processing and requires the user to confirm by a specific action ie the user must tick a box as to there level of accepted consent by each data processing action. The user consent is recorded in real time and flagged accordingly on our database and the user can access there account at any time, once logged in, to alter or update there level of consent therefore giving full control back to the user around there consent levels.
The GDPR reinforces the requirement that consent must be informed. Based on Article 5 of the GDPR, the requirement for transparency is one of the fundamental principles, closely related to the principles of fairness and lawfulness. Providing information to data subjects prior to obtaining their consent is essential to enable them to make informed decisions, understand what they are agreeing to, and for example exercise their right to withdraw their consent. If the controller does not provide accessible information, user control becomes illusory and consent will be an invalid basis for processing.
Note: Our consent process is in plain English and explains our levels of data processing, is self explanatory, is unbundled, is optional to consent and provides details as to who we will share the data with and the type of data we will share.
Unambiguous indication of wishes:
The GDPR is clear that consent requires a statement from the data subject or a clear affirmative act which means that it must always be given through an active motion or declaration. It must be obvious that the data subject has consented to the processing.
Note; DataXcel define consent as a clear affirmative indication the data subject has ticked the consent box and this consent is recorded in real time by date stamp and the consent choices the data subject has provided when joining our sites. Data will only be processed in line with this clear audit trail for consent.
In addition to the requirements of the GDPR we follow industry best practice in relation to outbound data usage which is a pre – condition to our terms and conditions using any data supplied by DataXcel to a third party brand company.
Email Data:

– Dataxcel will remain the gate keepers for such data and will deploy email campaigns from creatives sent to Dataxcel’s deployment team. If a client wishes to take email data in house for internal deployment a Data Processor agreement needs to be agreed and signed collectively in advance of the transfer of data.
Postal Data:

The source of the data to be stated in the opt out statement.
Telephone Data:

Rule one applies to Real Time Leads only: Data subjects who consent to a specific brand partner to contact them by telephone on a survey placed on our sites is referred to as a double opt in, where the relationship between the data subject transfers to the brand owner allowing the brand to make marketing contact based on the consent provided within the survey and the brand can contact the data subject either by mobile or landline and this process over rides the consumer marketing preferences on the MPS.
In the first line of an outbound script the agent needs to state the source of the data, so for example Hello XYZ we are calling you from XYZ brand and as a member of we want to offer you today xyz may I continue with the call YES /NO
In addition each agent must be trained in responding to a summary Data Subject Access request on the call, so for example, if a data subject stops the call and requests the source of their telephone number the agent must respond with, ”We work with a marketing partner called and as a member of the site we sourced your details from that marketing partner.”
If the data subject requests to be removed for the database for any reason the details must be sent within 24 hours to

– DataXcel will remain the gate keepers for such data and the source of the data must be stated in the first 27 characters of the text as follows such as ”As a member of Winnersville”
Retention Of Data
Data is retained in line with GDPR requirements and is reviewed monthly with data subject privacy rights and the original consent expectations at the core of our data decisions. All users on our database have the ability to self regulate their data usage for marketing contact once logged in and can update, restrict or withdraw marketing activity with just a few clicks. In short where we see a data subject, does not want to be on our data due to lack or no engagement, with us the Data Controller, we archive and remove their data. Data that is shared with a third party on a one time use, list rental orders must be deleted from all servers within 30 days of the data supply. If the data has not been used you need to contact your account manager for a data resupply. An email confirming the data has been removed from all servers to be sent to
Data Protection:

GDPR provides for a higher standard of data protection responsibilities for data controllers and data processors and we have implemented such standards at all data touch points . Our staff are all data protection aware and are trained in all aspects of the GDPR when handling or processing data on a day to day basis. The legislation requires that where data is obtained from data subjects the data controller must ensure, so far as practicable, that the data subject is provided with or has made readily available to him the following information:
- The identity of the data controller
- The purpose or purposes for which the data is intended to be processed,
- Any further information which is necessary taking into account the specific circumstances in which the data is to be processed to enable the processing in respect of that data to be fair.
We make all data subjects aware of how their data will be processed, the purpose of the processing (direct marketing) and the brands their data may be passed onto. As stated above at consent stage we provide the data subject a dynamic link to third parties so the data subject can view who the data may be shared with and is provided with full transparency as to the intended use of their data and by who.
Data Subject Access Requests:

Under GDPR individuals can exercise their right to object to the disclosure of their personal data to third parties for marketing purposes. Data subjects can also revoke their consent to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes, including future marketing approaches from the data controller itself.
The GDPR sets out a 30 day limit when responding to data subject access requests however DataXcel Ltd have taken the decision to respond in full to any data subject access request within 72 hours maximum, with the objective to provide a full data audit and resolve in full the data subject request.
As such Dataxcel Ltd has provided several touch points by which data subjects can contact us to revoke their consent for their details to be used for marketing purposes.
Firstly in all communications to our users we provide the data subject the option at the start of every communication to update their data preferences through the My Preference section of our data collection site and
An example of the my preference section and process can be viewed here
Once a user updates their data preferences the database is updated in real time and the marketing database flagged accordingly.
Secondly we have a dedicated Data Protection officer with a support team who are trained in handling a range of complaints/enquiries that have the authority and experience to resolve such queries or complaints. The data compliance team can be contacted at
Thirdly we have assigned a dedicated telephone number 056 7790295 and postal address, DataXcel, C/O Data Compliance Dept, Cloghala House,Cloghala, Dungarvan, Gowran, Co. Kilkenny, R95 CD62 where a data subject can make contact to resolve any related privacy queries.
Opt-out information can also be sent to the email address or and such requests are processed within 72 hours by the data protection team. The data protection team will record the data subject’s ’ Full Name, Address, eircode or postcode, Telephone Number and email address to ensure accurate suppression.
These details are added within 24 hours to Winnersville’s/freeprizedraws ‘Do Not Contact File’ by our Data Protection Team. Details marked as “ do no contact” will no longer be used by Dataxcel Ltd in the production of real time leads or data for direct marketing campaigns. Where a multiple use license is in place, a pre agreed data feed will be set up to provide updated DNC data for all data touch points with a client.
Our GDPR action plan has covered the following steps;
We put privacy and data compliance at the very ethos of the business and maintain a director level down approach. Every staff member is trained in our data compliance process and receives a copy of our data protection handbook as part of their training. Induction training also covers data compliance as a key topic.
Knowing the information we hold:
All our data is mapped with a complete audit trail, to include date stamp for consent, the data we hold on the data subject, th options to withdraw consetn or update marekting contact preferences and is collected from two core sites and We audit trail the source of the data from first contact to archive or deletion, Note we do not buy in any third party data in short all anonymous clicks must pass through our GDPR compliance and validation process prior to turning such clicks into data fit for purpose.
We built our own proprietary technology and own the platforms, data collection sources, validation data touch points and data delivery mechanisms. Where we use third party platforms, for example to transfer data in an encrypted process we have in place a data processing agreement with the service provider.
Data Security
All data is hosted and processed in an encrypted environment at all times.
Data can only be accessed by two employees in the company using an encrypted two tier password system alongside real time IP validation
We apply best in industry data security software to protect the data in real time from real time threats and we have developed a policy to identify suspicous activity, where two designated employees are always on call to respond immediately to any such activity and apply the company data protection policy to secure the data.
When transferring data we use an encrypted data transfer process and require acknowledgement by the recipient of receipt of the data within 24 hours. Where this does not occur access to the data is withdrawn.
Any data that is transferred to a third party data processor we request from the data processor in writing that the data has been deleted from all relevant servers within 30 days of supplying the data.
Privacy Notices:
Our consumer facing privacy notices are now at GDPR standards and are reviewed quarterly by our D.P.O. You can view our privacy notices here: Freeprizedraws Winnersville
Individual Rights:
We have communicated during the first three months of 2018 to all of our data subjects with an update to our privacy notice and the options to withdraw or update their consent for marketing contact preferences.
We have archived data that has not engaged with us for 12 months plus and will continuously update this process on a monthly basis. In short if we identify a data subject that does not action a withdraw of consent but we define them as not being interested in being on our database we archive them in an anonymised format.
We have in place a process to collect the date of birth for each new data subject and cross match this data variable with other demographic data to sense check the date of birth is likely to be correct. We do not have access to a national file of minors in Ireland to suppress our data against so we apply every physical process we can to eliminate or greatly reduce a minor entering our database .
Data Breaches:
We have implemented a data breach policy in line with GDPR requirements. Data Protection by design and data protection impact assessment, this has been and will continue to play a core role when developing any new product/service and new feature to our existing technology and consumer offering.
Data Protection Officer:
We have appointed a data protection who can be contacted as follows for any privacy related matters.
- By Email: data
- By Phone: +353 56 7790295
- By Post: DataXcel Ltd, Cloghala House, Cloghala, Dungarvan, Gowran, Co Kilkenny
Surpervisory Regulator:
We operate in both the Irish and UK markets and given we are a registered trading corporate in the Irish geography we will report and adhere to the Irish supervisory regulator.